Saddened by Dharamshala miss out on IPL, buy cialis Preity Zinta reacts on Twitter.
Cine Star Preity Zinta is quite upset that not a single IPL-7 match will be held in Dharamshala, pharm HP. Preity belongs to Himachal Pradesh and would have been happier if this year’s IPL would have scheduled at least one match for Dharamshala.
Before this, on May 5, Zinta had twitted that she cannot wait to go to Cuttack for two of their home games. It is indeed sad that there would be no IPL matches in Dharamshala this year.
She conveyed her dismay via social networking site Twitter. She twitted that it’s really sad that they won’t be able to play in Dharamshala this year.
Joj baily should off next match he is not doing wel